Small Business Practitioners of South Africa

We are home of progress small business practitioners, our aim is ........

  • With the new professionalisation of the small business environment, students within this environment have been identified as the most critical statekholder who will in the future advance and maintain the professional competence of the profession.
  • The methodology of the profession is build on the assumption that students are the one who need to be equipped to help and remedy both societal and all applicable form of small business challenges.
  • Students have a range of benefits, first they get to know about the student life in the profession at the univeristy / TVET level, what is going, what is the trend, what is new, what are the changes, why are the changes, and how these changes affect the total stakeholder of the profession.
  • The second part deals with the training requirements, requirements for entering exams, and qualifying.
  • The other component deals with post-qualification student experiences where the upcoming students learn from their senior students.
  • Since we are governing learning and training within the small business environment, we are also ensuring that students within our ambit are only trained by licensed training officers, and train within accredited and well equipped firms.
  • This is all done to ensure that build not only a reputable product but a responsive product as well. After a successful completion most of our financial designations will have to proceed to a confirmation of Oath.
  • In this occassion, those would have qualified will swear under Oath that they will abide by their honest, and our professional requirements.
  • They will then sign the Oath before they are admitted to the profession and become members.
  • As it stands, and looking at the number of our membership, Oaths will be taken in each province at a dedicated venue.
  • This information is all available under my events. Finally, the students will be exposed to employment opportunties available within the small business on each sector and by location.


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044 020 0271

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