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1. Facility:A facility is meant to be adequately equipped to train one or more of our designations. No office is allowed to train for our designations without meeting the requirements for accreditaions. We have specific training objectives and it is important for us to ensure that facilities meet certain training requirements that will ensure professionalisation and meaningfulness of our purposes. 2. University / colleage accrediation:SBPSA requires that all institutions that offer qualifications leading to their students qualifying for one of our designations to apply for their courses to be accredited with us. Small businesses face a different set of challenges, and they need to be equipped with knowledge that speaks to their challenges, and which will eventually help them to succeed. It is for this reason that we urge all institutions to adhere to our learning desires and aspirations. 3. Accrediation to offer Small Buisness training:So far we have one accredited provider, and we envisage to call many more that will meet our expectations to register and start offering these trainings. The training office in this case in different to the "Accredited Facility" in the sense that these are learning, teaching and assessment centers only, yet, the facilities take students through a prescribed training. Accreditation is a regorous process that should guarantee the trainee a place in our board exams, and in the market. Passing the board exams is one of the most important qualfication requirements for our purposes, as that ensures the suitable of our people to confront and response to small business needs.