Explanation for TPB(RSA):
The TPB(RSA) designation is meant for businesses that do not qualify to be SBO's. These are usually businesses that have not started or that are less than 18 months old. We focus on three regulators here, CIPC, DoL, and SARS. For SARS, we look at the following issues:
1) understand the South African tax cycle,
2) understand how the contract of employment of employees on your taxation affairs. Here a reference will be made between the and the ITA34. Director's taxation is also looked in this part,
3) understand the difference between ITR 12 return, the ITR 14 and the EMP 201 return,
4) understand how the Income Tax is calculated,
5) understand when is the ITR 12 return has to filed,
6) understand how the EMP 201 return is calculated,
7) understand the structure of the return itself,
8) understand different types of assessments that C:SARS may raise,
9) understand and interpret important documents dedicated to you as taxpayer,
10) understand important periods that guides the happening of events. For instance, by when will you be allowed to submit your tax return, what is meant by the tax season, what is expected of you and your employer during a tax season, what documents are required and how to prepare these during the tax season, etc,
11) understand what you must do when you are not happy with your assessment,
12), understand the ways in which a return can be submitted to C:SARS,
13) understand different methods of paying C:SARS,
14) different types of appeal channels avail to you as a juristic person,
15) understand the type of supporting you must keep and produce to C:SARS when submitting your return and after you have submitted a return,
16) understand different methods of paying C:SARS and how to enter into a tax payment arrangement with C:SARS, and
17) Understand the difference between a penalty and an interest. All of this together with some practical issues that we will encounter when we finally on this is done to increase the level of information, tighten tax compliance, produce responsive and good citizens, improve the tax administration in South Africa and help taxpayers to react with knowledge. Together we hope that we can make a positive impact to the South African compliance system. When you have successfully obtained this designation, it means you are both tax aware and conscious, and you perfectly understand your tax affairs. Clearly, the advantages and accruals that arise out of this designation are important for those who wish to move South Africa forward and make it a better place for all. For CIPC, we look on the calculation of revenue, the interpretation of the CK document, the completion of the IR section 33 return of the Companies Act. For Dol we look at UIF, COIDA and SDL calculations, and submission of returns. The aim is to ensure that important regulation is understood very early in the business cycle.